Free LSD | Official Red Band Trailer HD | OFF!
From the band OFF!
Written & Directed by Dimitri Coats
Out now on Limited Edition Blu-ray and Streaming:
Starring: Keith Morris, Dimitri Coats, Autry Fulbright II, DH Peligro, Chelsea Debo, David Yow, James Duval, Barry Del Sherman, Dana Gould, Chris D., Chloe Dykstra, E.R. Ruiz, Gill Gayle, Davey Havok, S.A. Griffin, and special appearance by Jack Black
Edited by Paul Buhl, Jonathan P. Shaw
Director of Photography: Christopher Raymond
Co-producers: Gill Gayle, Chloe Dykstra
Executive Producers: Bob Forrest, Anthony Kiedis, Ron Burkle
Executive Producer: Jijo Reed
Executive Producers: Matthew Helderman, Luke Taylor, Nikki Stier Justice, Grady Craig
Executive Producer: Christian Cigrang
Producers: Dimitri Coats, Inge De Bruyn, Keith Morris
Produced by Kurt S Kittleson
A Yes Way Production
Distributed by Buffalo 8
Purchase/Stream the accompanying album FREE LSD: